What Does the Term Living History Mean?

Living history museums are some of the most interesting and exciting places to visit for many reasons.

Between the memorabilia and artifacts on display and the living history exhibits presented, they are places of learning and entertainment wrapped up in one.

But what is the meaning of living history in terms of what these museums present and how they do it? 

What Is Meant by Living History?

Living history is the term that describes the process of using historical tools, activities, and dress to present a live-action account of some moment in the historical past.

Quite simply, it is the act of stepping back in time and bringing a moment to life in the present using acting and props in such a way that the accuracy makes it much more than just a stage show.

The focus of living history and living history exhibits is not to just put on a performance but for the participants to immerse themselves in the actual and authentic lives are being recreated. 

What Are Typical Living History Events?

Living history events typically include period dress, people performing trades and handcrafts noted for that period of time, and events occurring in everyday life for the period depicted.

Presenters may explain their parts in the display either in first-person, while in-character depiction as someone literally living the life, or while out-of-character in a third-person narrative style.

They occur at encampments and other sets that are typically constructed the same way the actual structures and locations would have been in their day.

Great examples of living history exhibits include Renaissance faires or festivals and military reenactments of battles. 

Why Are These Living History Events Done?

What is the purpose of the events put on by living history museums?

Mainly, living history events are educational, bringing to life the volumes of historical texts and countless hours of research done on certain people, places, or events in such a way as to allow the viewer or participant to feel a part of that lifetime.

Living history creates memorable impressions, whether someone is participating in it or observing it, making it easier to learn from. 

And though the effort put into historical accuracy is painstakingly high, it is still extremely enjoyable for those participating in these events.

It can be equally enjoyable to those observing at living history museums who are able to appreciate both the effort that goes into these events as well as the lifestyle and history lessons they teach. 

Go Enjoy A Living History Event!

Living history events are fun, informative, and appealing activities that anyone interested in the subject matter should visit and observe.

Whether held at a living history museum, an encampment, or simply out in the middle of a big field, living history is a wonderful way to learn new things and remember them.

For some, it might even be an invitation into a new, detail-oriented hobby where they can learn all about their period of choice and really live the life!